Distribute Tambola Tickets to everyone who wants to play.
With the ticket(s), hand out a pen/pencil/toothpick to the players to strike the called Numbers/CUEs in their tickets.
Decide the prizes for the decided winning points.
Winning points can be like:
Early 5: the ticket with first five struck numbers
First Row/Top Row: the ticket with all numbers struck in a top row first
Second Row/Middle Row: the ticket with all numbers struck in middle row first
Third Row/Bottom Row: the ticket with all numbers struck in a bottom row first
Corners: the ticket with all 4 corner numbers struck first (1st and last numbers of top and bottom rows)
Corner with Star: the ticket with all 4 corner & center-most numbers struck first (1st and last numbers of top and bottom rows along with a center-most number of the middle row)
Full House/First House: the ticket with all its numbers struck first
Second House: the ticket with all its numbers struck second and so on…
* Hindi, Tamil, Telugu Female Voices are available.
* One Female and One Male voice in English are available.
* Quality of voice is better when compared to other applications.
* Wait Timer for Automatic Game Play was from 3 seconds to 20 seconds.
* Application can be used both in Portrait Mode and Landscape Mode.
* Last four numbers are made visible immediately.
Play and have Fun
* This app only works as a caller for Tambola or Housie , Get the physical tickets for playing the game.